Graveyard Visits

Whenever I go to another country I always enjoy a visit to a graveyard. ( My cover photo is of the Veteran’s Cemetary in Kona. )

There is so much beauty as one walks the grounds and I love the peace found there.

It is so interesting to try and find the oldest grave or the shortest life.

I love the giant standing crosses we’ve seen in Ireland and the ancient, moss covered stones we’ve seen in other parts of Europe.

At first I didn’t notice the wee graveyard that was placed beyond the parking lot at our Kona church. But once I did I wanted to take a walk through .

It was SO different from our Canadian graveyards in that there was no grass. Some of the graves were even covered in a layer of lava rock. And we did read a gravestone of a baby that only lived one day!

The gravesites were covered with memorabilia from the family or perhaps from the person who passed on. And I suppose you could leave things around for quite some time because the don’t have the bad weather to blow them away or cover them up.

I know some visitors to gravesites take ‘rubbings’ of the most interesting or oldest stones to take home as a souvenir. I loved the statue of the mother cradling the infant.

Someday it will be our turn to find our eternal resting spot.

Have you thought about where you would like to be?


Flora and Fauna Parting Shots


Kona People Watching