The New Mayfair

Terry’s golf club finally finished their renovations and he decided to take us all out for dinner there and we could all have a tour of the place as well.

Understandably, the Mayfair is really spacious now and modern with beautiful locker rooms, a small gym, 3 golf simulators and a really nice dining room and outdoor patio space for meals too.

We decided to eat outside since it was a lovely evening and all of us enjoyed our various meals very much. All of the boys chose chicken fingers and fries and I was astonished at how big the portions were and how much the boys enjoyed almost all of it! Ha ha.

Wee “L” didn’t last too long after a day in the heat but eventually woke up to join us for food.

After dinner Servane and I took Leo home but Terry gave the boys their first golf lesson ever at the new practice range.

They loved it and “I” said after the practice….”I hope I get to do this many many times”!


Elk Island Day


Brew & Bloom With Ser