A Cry, A “WHY?”, And a “We’ll Try”….

Yesterday I had a darn good cry . The kind of cry that has you heaving , big tears ; some would say I was ‘ugly crying’.

O.K. so nobody died. 

But just the same I felt rather devastated.  

You see, in 2019/2020 SpiritLine went on a tour of Canada with our new albums. It took a year to plan out the itinerary and logistics and there were a LOT of logistics : where to play?, where to sleep?, what to bring?, how to survive months on the road when you are driving across the country.

And on top of it all, we decided to film the entire experience so that when we returned home we could attempt to make a documentary about it, a sort of ‘love letter to Canada’.

We had 1,000’s of hours of footage that we took on our brand new “Go Pro”...everything from every single concert we performed ( almost forty!), to interviews, to scenery as we drove down the highways and byways.

And it was SUCH a double blessing to have this filming because once Covid hit we had to cancel our last few shows. And as we all now know….there are no more live gatherings for concerts and certainly no performances in care homes (of which we did quite a few to give back to the communities).

We had so much footage that we also purchased a back-up hard drive so that we wouldn’t  lose any of it and to free up more space for new filming of even more concerts when we finally returned home from playing in every single province.

Our back-up hard drive corrupted and Terry had previously deleted the original footage from his computer because it was just taking up too much space. We sent the hard drive away to the “Geek Squad” to see if they could recover our precious filming (everyone said that usually this CAN be done….for a price) and today we got the bad news. They couldn’t retrieve our videos.

I.  Am.  In.  Shock. 

“WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ??????????? “ I cried out to the Universe.

So what can we do now?  We already purchased new, large monitors for the video editing and Terry has spent hours with our incredibly artistic children to learn how to edit, trim, and work with our footage. ( two of our kids work with editing software for a living).

Well......... all is not totally lost. 

I discovered that I actually took quite a few videos on my phone. Terry discovered that he did all of his interviews with locals in every region on HIS phone. We did record four of the shows on his phone too (I think when the Go Pro ran out of batteries.) We have the soundtrack already because we have our recorded C.D. music and God willing, we have plenty of time to edit the footage we DO have. 

So: I think we’ll still be able to do this documentary. It won’t have clips from every concert but we can still tell the story and even share still photos to help us as well.

The shock is wearing off now.  We had the incredible blessing of touring all of our beloved Canada and sharing our music BEFORE Covid hit AND we hopefully we’ll probably be able to share our experiences in Documentary form as well.

We’ll try. We’ll try.


The Little Girl who Couldn’t sit still.


In Search of Treasure