In Search of Treasure

Didn’t you just love reading books about pirates finding treasure like Treasure Island or Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves with his treasure, or watching movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark and that quest for treasure? 

Those kind of books and movies always got my imagination going and I remember drawing pictures of secret caves filled with treasures when I was a little girl. I imagined the excitement of finding all of those golden plates, necklaces, bracelets, urns, etc. and what I would do with the wealth.

My parents always had (have!) a love of ‘antiquing’ and for me that was just another chance to look for treasures! Our parents trusted us to be very careful when us five kids entered these shops. There were stacks of glassware, books, old dolls, teacups, toys, and you name it that could easily be knocked over or broken. We children all decided to collect something like our folks enjoyed doing. And we DID have fun looking for things to add to our various collections.

We  learned to love the hunt and because I didn’t have very much money I decided that I would collect antique salt and pepper shakers. They came in all shapes and sizes from just pretty floral ones with golden edges to ones that looked like characters ( perhaps like a little Dutch boy and girl.)

Today I don’t have much room for any more things to add to my various collections but even so, if I am in the position to shop in an Antique store or mall I just can’t help myself. I might just have to add one more Murano glass vase into the fold. ha ha.

Yesterday, I was driving down a local street that I had never been down before and I noticed this neat looking, old building. It looked like a General Store with great character and so I looped around to take a photo of it. It was built in the 1920s and when I peeked in the window I realized that it was the new location of “The Old Curiosity Shop” that used to be in a warehouse in the west end. There was no one in it except the owner so I ‘masked up’ and went inside to check it out. 

It was so much fun to walk around and look at all the cool stuff; a real mixture of the old and new collectables. I did actually purchase a couple of things ( I cannot reveal the secrets!) and enjoyed my walkabout.

As I write I am reminded of this bible verse….

In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus says “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Certainly, a good reminder of what is truly important in this life. It’s fun to look for treasures like I do but so important to remember where our hearts have most of their focus. Are we focusing on gathering wealth or the gathering together of our family? Is it acquiring stuff or acquiring grace?  Is our focus on making more money or making more friends?  You see where I’m going with this. 

Let’s keep our eyes on the real prize : Our Lord Jesus! He brings us the greatest prize: peace in our hearts no matter what happens on earth and the promise of eternal life someday. Wow! That is a treasure worth searching for.


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