Friday the 14th

It truly was a day of love.

I’m so blessed to have such wonderful friends and a family that loves each other so much too.

On Friday the 14th I was invited out to have lunch with my (1st) pool gals. These women are so sweet and the occasion was not Valentine’s but our friend, Cheryl’s birthday!

We met up at the Olive Garden for their bottomless salads and soups. Yum. Suddenly, it occured to me to do an extra surprise for Cheryl and the ladies….I would secretly buy their lunches! I had to leave early but I heard they were shocked when our waiter brought over a hugely long bill. And then they were shocked again when it was….blank! Ha ha. It worked out great. Cheryl is in the middle frame, right.

I left early because Terry and I were invited to go the Bay 1 Gallery’s Open House. Always nice to see the owners Tricia and Ralph and to check out the wonderful artworks. AND we decided to support them by purchasing an incredible piece by Ralph and now we are the proud owners of a gorgeous plinth (stand for a sculpture or art piece, etc.) You can see it under the blue painting. This is a completely hand crafted, wooden piece of art. I was starving so we made a wee pit stop on the way home….ha ha.

That evening we kept our reservation at Café Amoré for a fabulous Italian dinner.

Every course was amazing and I had the pleasure of being greeted by a dozen roses and chocolate covered strawberries at our table. Wow!

We did have gifts for each other too and it was crazy that out of all the recycled (which we like to do) wrapping paper in the house (which is a lot) we both chose the same one!

Terry gave me the most beautiful gold necklace with a matching medal with images of Jesus and Mary upon the front and back respectively.

I created a silly ‘love book’ for Terry about all the things I love about him.

Although we are romantics and blessed to have someone with whom to share our life with I think Valentine’s Day should be about spreading love to EVERYONE!

So know that you are loved and pass it on, won’t you?




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