Christmas in the Time of Covid, 2021

What a ride!

We are trying to balance our tears and fears and hoping for more happy tears than sad this year.

Our first two families arrived on December 19th from Vancouver and L.A.. Our daughter, Lana, and her fiancé, Jeff had to have a recent Covid test so we knew they were clear. But when our son, D called and told us that they were waiting upon results from their rapid Covid tests my heart sank.

D told us many times that he NEEDED this holiday SO much and just the thought of not seeing them if they had to quarantine for two weeks and then return home was so difficult. I tried not to jump to the worst conclusion but it was very hard.

When my son walked into my arms and just wept on my shoulder(and me onto his!) it was a huge huge relief. THEN we found out that they had had NO sleep the night before as they were in the hospital all night with their youngest boy who has been struggling with some immunity type issues for quite awhile now and they couldn’t take a chance on not going.

So their family arrived utterly exhausted but safe and we are blessed to have them near.

Christmas Eve saw our next family arrive from Vancouver and they had called the night before to make sure we were o.k. with them arriving still . YES! Good thing too as their boys also stayed awake the entire night prior because they were so excited to fly out here.

Terry and I ended up having to lead the music at the 9 pm mass AND the midnight mass. This was a beautiful experience but after finally getting to sleep at 2 am on Christmas Eve the whole family was basically starting off their Christmas by being exhausted.

This didn’t stop Santa Claus from arriving though and the next morning was a very exciting time of watching six boys ….six and under….opening their gifts with wonder , amazement, and awe.

I pray that your Christmas’ ….quiet or loud like ours ,were beautiful each in your own ways.

He is born! Hallelujah !


Christmas Morning


Bless Our World