Christmas Morning

“ The stockings were hung by the chimney with care…” and boy, did we have a lot of stockings!

The weather outside was in the ‘balmy’ minus twenties and our families were all gathered by noon in our warm house.

There were wonderful, thoughtful gifts exchanged and lots of joy shared. And surprisingly, I don’t even remember many tears from the ‘littles’. I think there might have been a few when the tiny ones wanted a turn with the two electric cars that arrived from J’s family…ha ha. But they were short lived and there were more cuddles than puddles.

It was just a whirlwind of a day and the first time Terry and I did not have time to open our own stockings or even all of our gifts. Once all the gifts were opened for the families, it was time to get the dinner on and the table set and prepare for my sister, Paula and her husband, Albert to arrive.

My daughter, Lana, and I have a running “Chewbacca” joke so it was fun for me to find an actual mask that makes his sounds when you move the chin. It was super funny to see her work that crazy mask. We also have another silly tradition where years ago our children were super excited about the “fancy”, soft brown box that one of the gifts came in. So every year that drab, old box reappears and this has been going on for years and years. Makes us laugh every time.

Our traditional turkey dinner and added homemade ‘mac and cheese’ for the vegetarians along with my four homemade pies was wonderful …if I say so myself! We also have a tradition of having "Christmas Crackers” so it’s pretty common to see us all walking around the house wearing paper crowns. ha ha. Some of the family went outside to get a bit of fresh air and ….it was FRESH alright. Brrrrrrrrr.

We ended the evening playing D’s Christmas Trivia Game and although we were way too tired and we all stayed up too late ,we had a wonderful Christmas together.

Blessings from our home to yours.


Christmas Miracle


Christmas in the Time of Covid, 2021