A Winter Time

A small flame.

We can’t see it.

But it’s there.

All we can see is evidence of cold. Of this winter season.

The heavy white of the snow as it crushes the small plants that once stood green and erect.

The frigid breath of each stranger that passes us by on the street, faces hidden by masks, and eyes glazed over with despair.

The dirty berms caused by exhausts and the exhausted faces of the present-seeking drivers.

Where is the warmth?

It takes forever to layer up to go out. Spikes on footwear for walkers, hats and coats and boots and mitts …..and then scraping off windshields for drivers.

One feels a sniffle coming on. Fear. Frustrated drivers and shoppers and co-workers with cold stares.

We go. We bake. We buy. We work. We prepare. And we are tired. We are cold.

But….. finally……..

We sit.

Words catch our eye….

“Purity of intention makes life and all the world snow-white with beauty; it brings men the grace of being able to love God and neighbour more. Let us praise the Lord as the trees and the snow praise him! “ (Restoration, Madonna House)

A small flame.

We can’t see it.

But it’s there. We feel it growing.

As we meditate on the words we look around.

The ice crystals on the window shimmer with jeweled beauty.

A sun dog circles a shed in the pristine fields . Branches reach to the sky , their arms covered in a fresh, winter coat.


We see it now . We want to thank someone for it.

God? Yes. Thank-you ,God, for this warm home.

Thank-you for my family, my friends, my good work, my pet, my health, and so much more.

We feel a warmth inside thinking about these blessings.

And this is the gift. The ‘reason for the season’.

The reason we purchase gifts.

We stop. We breathe. We believe.

And we will try harder tomorrow. We will strive for a purity of intention.

To notice the flame inside.

The love.

The Love that makes us want to give.

The Living Flame that brings us warmth.

And Peace.




How Things Have Changed