Christmas Celebrations !

On December 2nd we started off our Christmas celebrations. We were invited to the ‘Ice District’ downtown to go to our first Christmas party since covid started ….with one of the companies that Terry works with. It was fun to dress up and meet up with our uber hockey fan and friend, Dane. I also enjoyed my doughnut “french fry” dessert!

We also had fun getting together with Paula and Albert for his (very) belated birthday and he seemed to enjoy his new “Jackie Gadget” gift. ( He looks like Jackie Chan and he loves gadgets…ha ha).

Terry made his cake FROM SCRATCH….a lemon/poppyseed wonder. (I always say he’s a better wife than I ever will be….ha ha. We had the pleasure of seeing our daughter, Emma and her partner, Geoff (and Dandelion) one night at our home too. AND I loved our wee book club gathering we had that week too!

We also had a great time at the ‘Kramer farm’ northwest of Edmonton. This delightful family has 6 children and a huge heart for God, family, and friends. Glad we could be a part of it. Daughter, Kateri played Christmas carols on the bassoon(!) while we all enjoyed great food and fellowship.

December 13th was a double pool party day! Phew! At lunch I met up with my new pool friends at Moxie’s. It was fun to get to know people a bit ….and see them with clothes on…ha ha…and hair done. (One new friend, James, tried to give his drink order to me because he didn’t recognize me with my hair down and straightened…ha ha). Apparently, I have been chosen as ‘official photographer’ so here are some photos of the gang….

That same evening WE through a long time coming Christmas party like we used to …for my ‘old’ pool group and it was a joy to be with them as well. We got lucky with the potluck offerings (I cooked a ham and scalloped potatoes) and we had enough for all with what everyone brought. It was SO great to be with them again after all of these years and we had a carol sing at the close of the night! (check out Terry’s ‘ugly’ Christmas shirt!)

So far so good in the ‘feeling healthy’ department.

After we got to bed late after clean up , we were up again at 4:44 to prepare to get on a plane to go to Vancouver…..

Off we went…..


Grandparents’ Day Surprise


Advent. Events. Invent.