Another Step Closer….

Recently, I contacted one of my dear friends who produced my second album, Hope Is.

James Seabrook of Twobodiesofwater Studios has moved southeast to a nice new location partly to save money when Covid nearly broke the business.

When I found out that our Emily had won FIVE grants to work on her own music I knew that she would be stressed to try and also fit in my new album so I offered to go to a different producer. She graciously accepted but insisted that she and her partner, Geoff, record all of my drum tracks at least.

Drum tracks done and now I needed a studio to record the rest of the album and naturally I thought of James.

We arranged for me to come for a visit but James warned me of a couple of things : the studio is a lot farther away from my home and ….there are stairs.

I made my way there and found the place with the help of Mr. Google.

It really is too bad (for me) that there are stairs and the first few have no railing.

But I got up with the help of a cane and so enjoyed my visit with James and the tour of the smaller but lovely studio he has created.

He had walls torn down and put up the new (mostly) sound-proof walls and decorated again with his multiple instruments.

It was just great to see James again and we both are very excited about working together again. I got to meet his new doggie, “Pepper”, and loved the painted a friend did of her.

I was very very happy to hear that because the drum tracks are completed that James could and will bring some of his recording equipment to my home where I can record without worrying about stairs!

We have set the date for late October when he will come over and we will complete the ‘scratch tracks’ of guitar and vocals and I might even be able to lay down some of the ‘good’ guitar tracks too. He will bring one of his students who has never been to a home recording before.

It will be a learning experience for all of us but one I’m very much interested in pursuing.

I am SO excited to share my new music with you someday.


Ask A Child….


The Queen