Happy In Hawrelak!

My sister, Paula, took some stunning photos out at Hawrelak Park the other day and I knew if I wanted to also capture the autumn beauty I had better get over there pronto!

We also hit a wonderfully warm day (we didn’t even need sweaters in October!) and the still waters provided such pretty reflections.

I was happy to see plenty of geese because we all know that geese fly south for the winter. As long as they still think it’s warm enough to be here the snow will hold off for a bit!

Although we don’t have a lot of red in our trees like Ontario, I love the bright yellows and oranges in the leaves surrounding the lake. The geese and the crow we came upon are obviously used to people because I came right up to them and they didn’t move!

This park is massive but it seemed like almost every picnic table in the park was being used. There were huge families having dinner, cyclists everywhere, people walking with or without doggies, folks enjoying the view from benches or lawn chairs, and children running and laughing too.

They are going to actually close this entire park for renovations. The park has a 1- 1/2 mile loop .Formerly known as Mayfair Park, it was initially going to be developed into a 500-lot subdivision; however, when the Strathcona Land Syndicate forfeited their taxes the city obtained the title for the land in 1922.

Project Update - September 2022. Detailed design is nearly complete and construction is planned to begin in spring 2023. Full park closure for up to 3 years is necessary for safety due to the extent of the rehabilitation work they say.

It seems crazy to me that you would need to close the entire park for THREE years while this is being done. Why not just a section at a time? I feel sorry for so many groups that depend on the park for wonderful festivals like the Heritage Festival and umpteen concerts that are enjoyed throughout the year!

William Hawrelak (October 4, 1915 – November 7, 1975) was a politician in Alberta, Canada, the longest-serving mayor in Edmonton's history, and a candidate for election to the House of Commons of Canada.

This park has hosted the World Triathlon Race….which Terry once participated in! Thousands upon thousands of families have enjoyed feeding the ducks, skating on the pond in winter, enjoying the Silver Skate Festival, or just having lunch at Culina restaurant/ bringing their own meals. ( The geese will have 3 years to use it as their giant toilet all to themselves….ha ha ha)

While we were playing our beloved Tile Rummy game near a lovely family, two of their cute boys were very curious about us and kept inching closer and closer . They were adorable. The littlest one wanted to show me his mama’s cellphone and I only just in the knick of time prevented him from throwing it in the garbage receptacle….ha ha ha.

That evening we treated ourselves to a yummy Swiss Chalet chicken dinner. It was a lovely afternoon and I’m not taking this warmth for granted.

May you also be enjoying the beauty this autumn.

Peace, friends.


Happy Thanksgiving!


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