Food is Love

It was all about the Food, Flowers, and Friendship this birthday .

I was invited over to my dear friend, Louise’s, backyard on Wednesday for a sunshiny, socially distant, home-cooked meal with flowers on the table and a ‘heart’ cloud above us. I’ve known Lou for many years now .We’ve sung together at church, had many laughs over game’s nights with our hubbies, and shared prayers for our families and friends. She is a dear friend and the meal she prepared of cauliflower/leek soup, broccoli salad, and chocolate cake for dessert was so yummy.

We had to stick close to home yesterday for my actual birthday as Terry had a day of cooking ahead of him . That was part of his gift to me and what a great gift!

After cooking a poached egg breakfast for me we read the paper ( always distressing with the high covid numbers and world news involving war and other atrocities (lots to pray for so that was next!).

At lunch I made a picnic for us (croissants filled with chicken ,grapes, and apple salad) and we played our beloved Tile Rummy on our tent-covered table in the backyard.

The sun was out again and everything is just bursting into bloom.

Terry whipped up my favourite cake,(pineapple upside down cake) while I answered the door to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my dear friend, Cathy Reese, in Ontario. The colours are so gorgeous and the generosity incredible. I have known Cathy since we were three years old and we lived across from each other in the wee hamlet of St.Clair Beach, Ontario. Thank-you again, Cathy.

Terry spent the rest of the afternoon cooking! Although I offered to make the dinner he refused it and tried his hand at his very first, homemade lasagna. He must have been in the kitchen for at least three hours working on that dinner which included the main dish plus caesar salad and my cake. The kitchen was also clean by the time we were finished dinner!

While Terry was busy slaving away I had the leisure time to open birthday cards from dear friends from all over Canada and how blessed am I ? Thank you to all who took the time to send me love this way and for the calls and Facebook posts too. It sure helps to get through a pandemic when you feel the love.

At one point I heard a banging and knocking on the front door and assumed wrongly that it might be a delivery of some sort. But actually when I opened the door I saw a woman running away from our home and nothing on the porch at all. Our neighbour, Dan, came over and said the police were on their way because a woman who was ‘on something’ was trying to break into homes all down our street. Woah. Poor woman. And I’m glad my door happened to be locked or it might have been a very different outcome over here.

Soon more flowers arrived …in the hands of our beautiful daughter, Emily and her boyfriend, Geoff, who arrived for a socially distanced visit. They got to indulge in the incredibly delicious dinner with us and Terry’s first try at lasagna was a resounding success.

Thank you to Emily for also bringing over a loaf of her homemade sourdough bread and my new favourite wine, Dr. Zen Zen.

It’s not bad turning 63 when you feel this much love. I feel much younger in spirit and my spirit is flying! Today, my sister, Paula, will come over for yet another distanced visit for lunch. Food is love. And my soul is being fed.


Be Kind

