Trip To Bountiful

Summer is drawing to a close and we are trying to spend as much time as we can outdoors because before we know it the colder weather will arrive.

It’s been a super August for nice weather and I’m glad that my guy has been enjoying lots of golf .

We try and do something together, the two of us, at least once a week and recently we decided to head out to another Farmer’s Market.

We found one called “Bountiful” …and it was!

There were tons of shops in this completely indoor space ( ironically) but we headed in and were rewarded by finding some early Christmas purchases.

I thought it was neat to find the shop that wrapped up used books and one would buy them ‘blind’ with only a hint of what might be inside by the writing on the white covering. Fun gift exchange idea!

There was so much to see. Don’t you just love the umbrellas as decorations over the eating area? Or how about the fun stage backdrop for performers? Colour everywhere and many things to purchase.

Glad we found the place and we’ll be back!


Common Expressions


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