The Christmas Story According to Kids

Many of you may have seen the little film in the above link .

But it is SO worth watching again as it is so darn cute. (Copy and paste in your space bar to watch this adorable little vid.)

It’s Christmas eve and I have lots to do to prepare.

Oswald Chambers once wrote that “It is not God’s promises we need , it is (God) himself.”

We want so much from God. We want to stay safe, have good jobs, money, and warm homes. But even these ‘gifts’ from God are not as important as for us to have a relationship with him. In other words, we need to be present more than we need presents.

Let’s be truly ‘present’ this year and remember ‘the REASON for the season’.

May you be filled with hope, joy, and peace in your hearts and homes. ( And of course abide in good health)

And a very very merry Christmas to you all.

With much love,

Laura Bachynski


Merry Christmas!


Throwback Thursday Laura’s Loves.