Thinking Back

It’s autumn and 3 years ago at this time of year “SpiritLine” was on tour with my new album, “Words On A Page”.

I took this photo when we were in Montreal. I had only a moment to capture it because in the next few seconds the light changed and there was no reflection at all.

And isn’t life like that sometimes? We look back and in only ‘a moment’ our children are grown or our friends have moved or perhaps our beloved pets have died. We can all think of a hundred ‘moments’ where we thought we had forever and things changed in an instant.

When we ‘reflect’ on our lives we sometimes wish we had made better choices. Sometimes we wish we could go back to when we were happiest too.

Some folks live day by day, moment to moment…. and some are always thinking back.

What was one of your happiest times when you do look back?

Thinking back today I have SO many good memories which far outweigh the bad, I am blessed to say.

One of my happiest times of my life was when I was a young mother. I loved being a ‘stay at home’ mum and I loved guiding my children to becoming the best versions of themselves.

I loved my early years with my ‘besties’ at Youth Corps and I loved my few years as a teacher at Calgary Academy.

If I had known that I would end up in a wheelchair for so many years I wonder if i would have danced more ,hiked more,etc., but probably not. I think I did the best I could with the body I had.

And because my arthritis cut short my acting career, I started painting and recording my own songs……two of my greatest joys today.

I love love loved our Canadian Tour with our music. I loved seeing every single province and many of the quaint towns and gorgeous east coast , autumn colours…like the one above.

I loved being with Terry on our biggest road trip ever, he made me laugh every day, and it was a joy to share our music.

Looking back, I don’t think I would change much. I might change any unkind word I said or any mean thought I experienced. I’d try to be the best version of MYself.

But we always learn from our mistakes and we are here, I believe, to learn and grow and find our way to Heaven.

Thinking back I ask myself ,”Did I love others? Was I charitable? Did I use my gifts? “ Not always. But I hope to have time to improve upon missteps by my younger self in the autumn of my life now.

And I am so extremely grateful for this ‘ride’ .

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us and I am truly a thankful person!


Gingerly Gathering Once Again

