Slow Down
“ Slow down, you’re movin’ too fast. Ya gotta make the morning last. Just kickin’ down the cobblestones. Lookin’ for fun and feeling groovy.”
Does anyone remember this song?
We used to love to sing this when we were teens. “Groovy” was a bit before my time although I did try to bring it back by saying it all the time in High School. Ha Ha.
The point is …..who is feeling rushed these days? Is it you?
My friend, Bev, told me the other day that she can’t imagine keeping a schedule like mine.
But the funny thing is I DO take time to ‘smell the coffee’ as they say. And man, have your husband home with a kidney stone and you both are forced to slow down and take it one hour at a time! Ha ha.
You can often find me looking up at the clouds and commenting on the different shapes to my walking or driving companion. I will definitely stop to smell and look at flowers. Keeping a schedule for me keeps my mind and body active and my soul is happy.
“Grace” from Renovaré tells a story about Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s book “Gift From The Sea” which I read.
She tells us….
Creatively reflecting on shells and life became the means by which Anne Lindbergh received the gift of reconnection with herself and with God. Creative work can be a connector in that way.
I totally feel connected with myself and God when I am involved in creative work.
She goes on to say….
Appreciating the peculiarities of God’s design and responding creatively is something that all of us can do in our own way. Raw materials become touchpoints with invisible truths when—and sometimes only when—we touch them. Working creatively with a piece of wood, for example, puts you in touch with the smell, the grain, the orderliness of growth patterns, the uniqueness of each plant —and this, in turn, can put you in touch with the goodness and nearness of God…….
But creativity doesn’t have to be formal. It can look like arranging flowers, making jewelry, painting portraits, quilting, gardening—anything that helps us slow down and pay attention ……
It’s fun to be creative. It’s fun to pay attention.
It’s healthy to slow down.
Peace, friends.