A Good Habit

High school was a long time ago. Why then does it seem like yesterday sometimes?

I met my three best friends in Ontario at Belle River High.

Rosemary was starting up a youth ‘corps’ group and invited me to join after approaching me in the cafeteria one day. She was so beautiful and I was such a nerd that I had to look behind me to see if she was actually talking to ME…ha ha.

I met Barbara in many of my classes and then Mary, Barb, and I joined the Drama Club and the rest is history.

We realized at one point that we were all contemplating religious life and we even made up our own ‘order’ and called ourselves “The Disorder of Silly Religious” while designing our jean material habits/outfits.

Many adventures, marriages, babies, pets, and hair colours later we remain the closest of friends to this day.

Like my beloved “G.W.A.” weekend away with my sisters every year, I enjoyed many many days away with these friends on this very weekend in the past. Sometimes Mary could fly out to be with us from Calgary and many times it was Rose from Waterloo and Barb from Tecumseh whom I would join up with when I was home visiting for the month of May.

There are way too many memories to recount here but one of my favourites in recent years was our going to an Escape Room adventure….and completing it! ( O.k. full disclosure -they gave us a lot of clues and a bit more time because one of their locks were faulty but who’s counting that?)

We have enjoyed singing together, praying together, laughing, good food, LOTS of tea and snacks, going for walks, plays, movies, heart to hearts,been there for each other in good times and in bad.

Every year we even expand our band of four when I return home because on another date we created our own version of a high school reunion with even more wonderful women. (A story for another day).

For now I have been meeting up with my besties every Sunday afternoon for a Zoom call. (That’s us on the computer Zoom call in my backyard in the last photo above.)

Having years and years of love from your best friends is a hard habit to break. Sooooo… I think I’ll enjoy this form of ‘habit’ for as long as God wills we can.

I miss you, my friends.

Maybe next year we’ll meet up in person again but for this year…..see you tomorrow on Zoom!


Good Books


Mission to Locate the Brush HIll Church