Recording Begins!

Well, it’s been a long time coming what with Covid and lockdowns and just generally being too busy for all of us….but I finally had a chance to get into Bitter North Studio to start recording for my new album.

Things have changed a little bit because my knees are so bad now. I needed to bring my own (higher, swivel) stool and my walker so that I can use that as handles to stand up!

But Emily did a great job getting the sound recording equipment set up and Geoff’s dog, Dandelion, was happy to be near me while I recorded.

We set out the whole week to do this and I think Emily and I were shocked to discover that I had recorded all 14 ‘scratch tracks’ in one day! A ‘scratch track’ is where I just play the song in the exact tempo (and sing as well) so that the band can hear the tune and record to that. I will re-record the songs at a later date with better vocals and solo guitar on different tracks.

So the next couple of days after my day in the studio, will see Em’s Geoff recording his drum tracks to my guitar. Geoff is SUCH a great drummer and has great ideas too. I’m excited to hear what he’s done.

Em has been visited by ‘the writing muse’ herself this week as she wrote four new songs! I had the pleasure of having a sneak peek/listen to two of the new ones and they are SO good!

I’m very excited to have you hear the new songs someday.

At the end of the week I had the pleasure of listening to the recordings of Geoff’s drum work. WOW! Is this guy talented! What a great foundation I have now for the rest of the musicians that will be recorded in the future.


The Big Cover Up


A Vape To The Bride!