Great To Be With Family At Home

Well, so far so good with our Edmonton spring weather. But one never knows in Canada!

What I do know is that although we left the gorgeous flowering trees and green grass of Vancouver, we still had the love of more family of which to return.

Although I have to wait to celebrate my other sisters when I arrive in Windsor next month, I did have the pleasure of spoiling my sister, Paula, a bit on her actual birthday!

We both enjoy the show “Glow Up” where the host gives compliments on the contestants’ makeup applications by saying, “Ding Dong, Darling!” so I found her a shirt online with that saying…ha ha. It’s sort of a catch phrase for us these days.

We also had a lovely birthday lunch together at Earl’s. Happy birthday, Paula!

Then , the next night we had the pleasure of our daughter, Emily and partner, Geoff’s company for dinner!

The next day I had the pleasure of meeting of with my friend, Loren, and 2 new friends at our “Vi’s For Pies” near our home. (The photo below is our reflection in the window of the restaurant.)

VERY nice ladies and Loren paid for all of our lunches! After lunch they asked for a tour of my home so they could be inspired by our paintings. While I was giving them the tour and they were remarking kindly about my latest portrait that I sent to Ontario as a surprise gift……the recipient of the that very portrait called me to say thank-you and that it had just arrived! Kismet!

As I write this, it’s my sister, Pamela’s birthday! Happy belated to her. I am already looking forward to visiting our families and friends in the eastern part of Canada.

Feeling blessed by love.


On The Streets


The Cracked Pot