Pete’s, Pam’s, and Pasta

Loved our annual visit with Pete and Den.

They invited us to their beautiful home for a yummy, barbequed, Croatian food dinner.

It was warm and perfect outside that night, the wine was flowing and so was the conversation.

Love this wonderful couple who met in high school (with Terry!) and now they are involved in the Windsor community in so many ways : Pete, the new “Poet Laureate” and Denise, involved in the Rotary Club, art classes, among SO many other things ….not to mention being wonderful and busy grandparents.

One evening I was craving pasta and let me tell ya, Windsor has some of THE best Italian restaurants around.

We discovered one of the best ones just a couple of blocks from our hotel! It’s called Frateli’s and the service and food were excellent. The dinner you see above was my meal after they split it for us! Generous portions and delicious flavours.

I’m so happy we had so much family time although it was weird not having Paula and Mary with us as much this year. Miss those girls.

Loved hanging out with Pam and Dave and their daughter, Alaina, too. We had fun celebrating her graduation from University and her birthday as well!


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