What Does Your Back Bumper Say About You?
When I was young there seemed to be a lot more bumper stickers around. Perhaps that was just because we all drove crap cars…ha ha.
I don’t know when the trend started to show exactly how many people and pets you have in your home by placing the figures on your back window but I sure see a lot of these around. Maybe you get them for free when you buy a new car?
What does your car say about you?
At the risk of being chased away or questioned, I’ve taken some photos of back “bumpers” in our area.
I could do a whole blog just on licence plates. There are SO many cool ones. Sometimes, long after a light has turned green I am trying to decipher a particularly cryptic one. We even have a custom one : “JDEL” . It is a ‘word’ created from the initials of our four children.
We also have a custom “SpiritLine” licence plate and a I have couple of magnetic attachments…one that also says, “SpiritLine” and another I attach at Christmas that says “The Reason For the Season”.
People seem to enjoy putting their political affiliations at the back and I’m sure we’ll start seeing a bunch of “I’m an Anti-Masker/Anti Vaxxer” ones coming out soon.
I always enjoy it if I see a ‘wedding car’ with the old fashioned ‘Kleenex flowers’ and tin cans affixed. I’ll give them a happy ‘beep’ as they drive by.
I wish we’d see more ‘well wishes’ than griping but alas, that seems to be the way of the world these days.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if many cars we saw had bumper stickers that wished us ‘many blessings’ or sent us a reason to smile?
Drive safely, friends.
And may all you witness give you hope not hate.