Forever Friends….Like Cathy

Cathy and I have been friends since we were three years old.

We always crack up at this photo because my mum dressed us up as the ‘two headed lady’ in a large dress one year. Cathy always says,”Look how big my head looks!” HA HA.

Cathy (nee White) used to live ‘kitty corner’ to our house in St. Clair Beach, Ontario.

I have SO many fond memories of playing with Cathy….Barbies, “School”, “House” , or using small antique potato mashers as microphones for us to be rock stars as we stood on her stools in her living room and did ‘The Monkey’.

Do YOU have a ‘forever friend’, one that you’ve known forever?

I actually have quite a few I am blessed to say. But I’ve known Cathy the longest and we are still to this day great friends.

We swooned over the same boys sometimes and we made fun of “Charlie Cedaburger” (not my finest moment). We road the bus with “Haggatha” and were in many of the same classes in high school. We went to different grade schools but that didn’t negatively affect our friendship in any way. We just had more to talk about.

I vividly remember this memory:

One day we were skipping off to “Stella’s at Starlight” and all of a sudden I stopped short and grabbed Cathy’s arm.

IT WAS INCREDIBLE. IT WAS AMAZING. THIS HAD NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!!!!!!!! There on the ground was not one, not two, but FIVE quarters! ( ha ha ha ha ha)

I remember that we were SO astonished. We proclaimed that we were now ‘rich’ and talked about saving the money and what we would do with it later.

Our greatest idea was that we would save it to buy an apartment together someday…. HA HA HA…again.

After I got married and moved away, I lost touch with Cathy for a time.

When I started planning our yearly, May get togethers with our dear high school girlfriends it took quite a few years before I saw a pretty woman at the end of the table , a woman I couldn’t quite place.

She said, “You don’t know who I am do you?” All of a sudden it became clear that this was my forever friend, Cathy! Since that day we see each other every May along with all of our other incredible ‘forever friends’ and it is a time of joy and reminiscing.

Old friends might not always be the best friends but in our case we remain stuck together….like a two-headed lady!


My Moo…I Mean…New Painting.


Marian Centre Mass