Look Around You

Look up. Look down. There is beauty all around.

How can it be possible that I feel life is busier than before Covid hit? 

It is incredible to me how many ‘jobs’ I don’t finish by day’s end. Being the list maker I am,I know how many things I’ve been able to cross off of my list before bed each day. How can the list be growing in these days of quiet and isolation? 

It is actually easy for me to get caught up in ‘to do’ lists and perhaps having more time leads to more jobs.

I am trying to allow myself to take time for myself. I feel like most days that my body is last priority and I have the sore joints to prove it. So now that the days are getting warmer I am hoping to get outside more and go for more walks. My body needs to move and I am so dearly missing my Monday, Wednesday, Friday pool regime. And of course I’m missing my friends from the pool who gave me a different kind of health. They were/are good for my soul. 

(Thank goodness for good old Zoom that kept  us connected all winter.)

Yesterday, I drove over to White Spruce Forest for a solo walk. I used my walking sticks and although I moved slowly I am proud of how far I walked. And I really do look around . Looking down I noticed a lovely, furry caterpillar,inching his way down the path. Looking up I noticed a large, black crow sitting in the top branches of a tree just long enough to pose for a photo with the giant, white, platter shaped clouds as a backdrop.  

I found an old, dilapidated rocking chair out in a clearing. It was near a fire pit but I personally wouldn’t take a chance of trying to rock in that chair. Ha ha.

The walk still left plenty of time in my day as I’m sure most dog walkers can attest to. But when you don’t have a dog to walk it can be quite the test of will to get out the door...especially if you’re busy and sore! 

I looked up. I looked down. There WAS beauty all around. And I am better for it.




The Month of Mary