Family and Christmas 2023

It was a lovely Christmas despite being apart from some of our gang.

When family first arrived from Vancouver we enjoyed a special afternoon of bowling. I was having a tough time that day so I didn’t bowl but I did enjoy watching the family play….and the snacks were good at Red’s.

Our young lads couldn’t wait to show us their new recital songs on the piano and soon we led the music at church on Christmas Eve and then had the most wonderful surprise to see our dear friends from Calgary, Jane and Bryan in attendance. After mass we all went to Hap’s for breakfast. (Little did we know that our beautiful friend, Jane, would end up in the hospital that night from an unfortunate fall. Please join me in praying for her swift recovery.)

That evening we had the pleasure of going to “Ling Nan” with our newlyweds, Lana and Jeff, as well as my sister, Paula and her husband, Albert. Yummy meal and fun conversations. Before you know it , it was back to the church to lead the music for Christmas Eve which turned out to be just beautiful.

Next up….waiting for Santa….

To Be Continued….


Christmas Fun!


Happy New Year!