
There’s nothing quite like the joy of being with friends. I read somewhere that true friendship isn’t only about being there when it’s convenient, but about being there when it’s not.

I had a chance to catch up with a few different friends this week past , including my sister, Paula, and it was joy indeed. The chats were wonderful, the food was good, and the sun was shining…mostly!

Terry had some meetings in Calgary so I hitched a ride south so that I could try and meet up with some of my old friends from that city. We lived there for 20 years and the two gals I met up with were among the very first friends we made when we moved to that city.

Terry had his dinner meeting so I was freed up to find “Vendome”, a wonderful neighbourhood restaurant/deli that had a great atmosphere and yummy food. And of course, seeing my friend, Claudia, after years apart was balm for my spirit.

I met Claudia in “The Second Shepherd’s Play” for Storybook Theatre when we first moved to Calgary. We went on to act in other shows together like “Dames At Sea” and became lifelong friends thereafter.

Claudia is an actress, singer, teacher, and incredible writer among some of her given talents. We enjoy great conversations that swim way below surface level and we laugh tons. I’m so blessed that she’s back in Canada after living in England for years.

In the morning, Anne picked me up from the hotel and took me over to see her hew home. BEAUTIFUL!

Anne clearly has an artist’s eye for decorating and ….she IS an artist now after devoting her life to teaching. She does lovely watercolours and I loved her new condo with its many shelves loaded with books, and sculptures and memories. Paintings and prints are on every (beautifully painted) wall and the only thing really “bad” about the place was that it had FIVE levels! …ha ha ha. But I did it, ‘made it up all of the stairs and saw the whole, wonderful home.

After tea and a wee chat (and cuddle with her roommates “Captain”, “Skippy”, and “Pookie”) it was time to head over to “Angel’s Café” for dinner. What we didn’t expect is that Terry would be able to meet us there so we all enjoyed great conversations and food together!

I met Anne in “Theatre 80” back a then.

We didn’t even have children yet and we worked on everything from building sets to having lead roles.

We watched each other’s children and we started our own theatre company called “Short and Tall Tales”. As you can see from the middle photo above…. I am tall and Anne is quite a bit shorter. And… Anne would tell an original ‘tall tale’ and I would sing my original music….all the theme of dragons. Kids loved the show and so did we!

I loved my simple BLCT sandwich at Angel’s. The bread was homemade sourdough hugging locally made bacon and sharp cheddar cheese and lettuce. It was YUMmy!

We had more great conversations but before you know it, it was time to drive home.

We drove through and around storms all the way home but we smiled all the way.


Throwback Thursday: Chicago


“Read All About It…”