A Double Concert Kind Of Day

Because of my arthritis I get nervous when I have to park downtown. How far will I have to walk to get where I need to be? Terry says I need a ‘driver’ to always drop me off. That would be great!

But when I heard that my friend, Anna Somerville was playing with her trio at the kitchy Commodore Restaurant I really wanted to support her.

This indo-Chinese diner has been serving Edmontonians for 75 years and is still going strong.

It has most of the diner requirements : bar stools , cabinet of little cereals and sodas, a massive wall of framed photos of guests and guest artists, and hot coffee. I didn’t see any juke boxes but I bet they had some originally.

I tried to contact a friend or two to see if we could go together but no luck. But I did find a friend who would meet me there before she travelled off to her appointment so I decided to go for it.

Kathy and I had a great time catching up with a bit of our lives, grandchildren, etc., and we really enjoyed the music.

Anna seemed very happy that we came out to support the trio and she had a couple of her grandsons there. The group was so talented with gentle folks songs and fabulous players (guitar, mandocello, mandolin) and the place was packed.

When Kathy had to leave for her appointment I decided to order lunch and stay a bit longer. I’m really glad I did.

After my arrival home and Terry’s from his men’s golf league we decided that we would go to Hawrelak Park that night to hear the Symphony play in their “Symphony Under The Sky” last outdoor concert of the year.

We had a lot of compliments and comments from strangers as to us ‘doing it up right’ because we brought our fairly large bug tent, a table , lawn chairs, our games, and dinner in the form of 2 Wendy’s salads and some fruit from home.

Sitting right outside of the outdoor amphitheatre but not right beside all the many guests we had our own private space to enjoy the music from Aladdin, Back To The Future, and the Harry Potter movies but still had a lovely dinner picnic with no bugs to bother us and we felt safer from the possible spread of Covid too.

A full day of excellent music for me and a wonderful way to ring in the beginning of September!



