C.D. Rehearsals
I cannot tell you how uplifted I feel when I surround myself with amazing talent!
The rehearsals for my new C.D. are SO much fun. I am confident that I have chosen a good batch of songs from my original music but when I play my guitar (together with some of the other artists that will be recording with me next week )and hear the professional quality they bring to the tunes I feel speechless.( Not a good thing for a singer..ha ha)
Albert Felicitas on Keyboards and Jembé drum is every artist’s dream in a player. His lovely miracle girl wife ( my sister) Paula, has the most beautiful voice for the harmonies I am looking for…( although I will very much be missing the gorgeous voices of my other 2 sisters who live in Ontario and who sang with me on WAITING) .
We are having one last rehearsal tomorrow night before recording week and I am excited to be adding the lovely flute playing of our friend, John McNichol , to one of my songs.
I have incredible players locally ( Thom Golub, Dean Pierno, Domique Roy to name few) and some sending me tracks from Montreal, Windsor, Winnipeg and I have a group of children singing with me from Calgary’s Falconridge School too. I am really looking forward to going to Calgary for that recording session.
I am so happy and blessed to be able to share this new music soon.