Attitude Is Everything

We all know the old adage about the glass being half full or half empty.

It’s time to make a choice.

Too many of us, especially since the start of the world wide pandemic, can only see the worst in humanity.

We expect people to let us down, we don’t put ourselves in the shoes of others who might just be having a bad day.

If something goes wrong we say, “I just KNEW that would happen.”

Some of our grandsons play a car game that might be called , “Is it bad or good?”

Somebody starts a story and offers an action. Like…. “Once upon a time there was this wonderful town where people were always kind to each other. “

Then the next person in the car might say, “But that’s actually bad because crooks came in and took advantage of their kindness and stole from them.”

The following player might say, “But that’s actually good because the town found out and their influence was so great that the crooks turned into kind people themselves.”

The game goes on and on ….”this is good….but this is bad….but it’s actually good…”etc. Our boys can play this for hours!

It really shows kids(and us!)that there are always two ways to look at things.

Let’s choose to have a positive attitude today!

….or maybe just a bit of ‘attitude’ for fun….. See below this Dokkum painting called , “Forever Young”.


A Vape To The Bride!


“ Canna-bliss” ?