Ash Wednesday

We had a really nice last day in Kona.

Now normally people want you out of your hotel or condo, etc. by 11 am and in fact our original time of departure from our initial Kona VRBO was 10 am.

But, because we moved over to that house and no one was scheduled to move in ,Angela, the property manager, said we could stay in the house all day!

So so fortunate for us as we were able to clean the entire home, vacuuming, dishes, and virtually every bit of laundry there was to be done.

We took our time packing after we went out for a nice breakfast too.

After breakfast we returned our guitar and got half the money back from the pawn shop as promised. The owner told us that guitar would probably be waiting for us next year if we wanted to buy it again and when we told him that the electrical mechanism for tuning was corroded he said he’d have it fixed for us!

Then after purchasing a frame for one of our paintings, we drove over to visit Angela to give it to her as a ‘thank-you’ for finding that amazing house for us (that had no stairs). She was quite moved and we were so happy to surprise her this way. (Also, she said it was an image of her favourite beach on the island!)

Soon, it was time to load up the car and off we went for Saturday night mass and then dinner.

It was so cool to be invited to sing with the piano player for next year and as we were leaving we noticed that you could see the Kona sunset right through the church door.

We arrived at the airport at 9:30 for our 11:30 p.m. flight …which was then delayed for an hour. Terry was so hidden behind his neck pillow, eye mask, face mask, and headphones that I had to take a photo. SO funny!

He was able to at least get a few hours sleep but I just can’t seem to sleep sitting up on a plane so I lost the entire night’s possibility of rest. I was extremely tired by our bed time on Sunday night. We also had to change planes in San Francisco half way home.

But thanks be to God we made it home safely …..and even our bags all arrived so we feel very blessed.

Thanks for reading about our journey to Kona!

Now. Onto our Lenten journey to Easter!


St. Anthony


Flora and Fauna Parting Shots