Our Winter City Art

Most people I know that live in my city very much look forward to escaping winter if they can.

I’m no exception.

But truly people here do make the best of the weather …be it winter sports or snow/ice creations. The Silver Skate Festival is coming up and that and ‘Ice on Whyte’ always have spectacular ice carving competitions.

We’ve been to both of those and enjoyed them very much. We’ve also been through Candy Cane Lane many times and the Deep Freeze Festival too.

I took a drive to see if our neighbours to the south of us created the ice dragon again and they HAD! And it’s always fun to just see a simple snowman here or there or snow blanketing the trees like garland.

I love it when folks in the neighbourhood do creations out of ice and food colouring. Check out the ‘ice garden’ I spied on my way home today…..

Let’s keep looking for the beauty….no matter where we live !


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The Loss of Someone We Love