
You see how happy I look in this photo? I had QUITE the surprise the other day.

I know that all of us have found ways to pass the time/survive ‘lockdown’ due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Maybe you get fresh air every day by walking your dog. Or maybe you are the Netflix queen/king ! Perhaps you’ve gotten into baking breads and cookies and tried not to eat them all.

Well we’ve been doing lots of art and music, reading, Netflix, baking, walking -and for Terry …even golfing at a simulator!

But never could I have imagined that when he was downstairs at his computer every day or with his keyboard and/or guitar that he was actually writing a FULL LENGTH MUSICAL!!!!

You know, you think you can’t be surprised anymore after 40 years together but…..

And guess what? It’s GREAT!!! I’m not surprised. Well. I’m a little surprised because who writes a winner , full length play with original music and gets it perfect the first draft? My husband. That’s who.

So. He based it on stories from his home town and much of the music we played together on Tour in 2019/20. Someone had suggested at our Songwriter’s Circle (with Rob Heath) that he should write a book or musical after he spoke about his town and it put ‘the bug in his head’.

He has strung recent songs together with wonderful new tunes that are the perfect compliment to this story that can break your heart and lift you up too. Although I almost cried all the way through it, I don’t think it’s just because I am proud of Terry. I think many people will be moved by this hope filled tale.

He started off by playing the overture for me on the piano. He write TWO overtures !!!!!

Then he asked me to help him read the script so we went back and forth alternating the lines and with Terry breaking to play each song either on his guitar or on the piano. The music is SO good and the play is written so well.

I am so excited about trying to get a grant to produce this show for a professional read through and then a full scale, mounted production someday when we are allowed to gather again.

Dream. This is what I’ll be doing until we can share Terry Bachynski’s delightful work with you.

Proud of my guy.


