A couple of hotdogs

My first full winter home hasn’t been that bad. 

One of the most difficult parts for me is staying in the house all the time.  We have a beautiful home but my travelling spirit just wants to GO somewhere! 

So, every once in a while, I get outside even if it’s just to hop in the car and go for a quick drive to another area of the city.

Alberta is wonderful for the fact that even if it is cold and snowy we generally are known for our sunny days and blue skies.

If the weather is at all warmer we try and get out for a winter picnic at this time of year. 

The other day the temperatures reached about +10 so we packed a small lunch and headed out to Coronation Park to roast hotdogs.

It felt so good to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and it was just nice to be out of the house during this year of struggling with the Pandemic.

We really didn’t do too much except for eat lunch, enjoy the scenery, and each other’s company but it felt great to have this change of pace.

Just a ‘couple of hotdogs’.


The Floor Maid


For the woman….