Elk Island Sunset Painting

Since we’ve returned from Vancouver we’ve had a few chances to paint once a week at our beloved Marian Centre.

Hot drinks (or cold) in hand, an afternoon snack in our bags, and our canvas or paper pad of choice we head over and get excited about our latest attempts to create art.

I have had an image I took with my phone camera in mind for at least a year and I was finally in the mood to attempt it.

That’s right…’in the mood’ . I have to be in the mood to work on certain images. I know I’ll paint them someday but I might not feel like painting a portrait or an old car or whatever I’m considering. But when the time is right I know ….today’s the day….and I choose a particular image that I’ve photographed.

These past couple of weeks I chose a small canvas to try and capture the intense and incredible sunset we witnessed at our beautiful Elk Island Park one evening last year.

A woman was on the boardwalk who was also taking photos and she was sitting on a bench looking through her binoculars. I asked her if I could take HER picture for a future painting and she agreed that that would be fine!

Here it is……

What do you think?


A Time For Prayer


A Very Special Dress