I worry.

I think I’ve created some more forehead wrinkles this year.

I have always been a worrier. I worry about Covid. What if my family gets it? What if my friends contract this disease? What if I get it?

I worry about politics and I don’t watch the news before bed or I won’t be able to sleep.

I worry about the homeless and those in war zones and those who have been devastated by ‘natural disasters’.

God reminds me that worrying is useless. Matthew 6:34 is “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” 

We can choose to trust. I know that. And when I remember that my faith tells me that God’s ‘got’ this I feel peace again in my heart and mind.

Since the beginning of time we have been confronted with basically the same issues we have today : wars, diseases, and disasters. But humanity has always been filled with the good as well. From Martin Luther King to your kind neighbour down the street there have been and continue to be good good people in our world.

Think of someone close to you who has made you smile. Think of someone in your past who has been a shining light for your journey on this planet. Think of a mentor or a leader who has made you feel confident to carry on. I bet you can think of more than one. I can.

I think I will forgive myself for being a silly old worrier and change my attitude a little today. Here’s what I want to do…..

Sending you a bouquet of good wishes for peace today, my friends.




Walkin in Sunshine