Ho’Okena Painting Day #2

The days are zooming by now so we knew we wanted to take advantage of another beach day. We spent the weekend doing laundry and hanging around our house so it was time for an outing.

After our lunch we set up our paints and looked around for what we wanted to choose for our plein air subject matter. I chose the boats that were sitting on old tires and covered with corrugated sheets and Terry chose to paint one of them and some of the trees.

My favourite part of the day was when Terry convinced me to try one more time to get into the ocean.

It’s difficult for me to describe how difficult it is for me to do this. It seems like it should just be so simple: just walk into the ocean. But even the smallest waves can knock me over because I have no stability in my knees. And when the waves hit me my kneecaps feel like they are dislocating back and forth as I try not to fall.

I’m sure it looks hilarious….me holding on to Terry, trying not to knock HIM over, and taking ‘baby steps’ past the stony bottom and into the deeper waters.

But we did it and it felt amazing to be in that gorgeous, warm water.

Getting out was a whole ‘nother story and in fact a wave did knock me down. R’uh R’oh!

But Terry reminded me that I could just float back deeper until I could stand up again and then we’d try again. There was a little tiny sand ledge that we had to climb at the end and it felt like a mountain to me…ha ha.

I feel badly that Terry had to help me so much but man, it felt SO good to be in the ocean!

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Whale Watching!


Pancakes, Painting, Pie