The Silver Skate Festival

We FINALLY had a break in the deep freeze weather and took advantage of the -5 to head out to the “Silver Skate Festival” at Hawrelac Park.

The snow sculptures there were numerous and incredible as you can see. But the first sculptures we saw as we entered the park were these really cool metal sculptures that could obviously be folded and removed after the festival.

There is a lake that wraps around the entire inside of the park and a river that slides by the outer rims of the north side of it. It was really amazing how many people took advantage of the day and were skating on the lake. It was actually beautiful but a little alarming too as we saw way too many people gathered together and so many people not wearing masks too. Dang.

Terry helped me turn my red boots into their ‘spike’ setting so I had more grip on the snow so I felt safer to walk on the slippery, melting snow. The photos I’ve included were only some of my favourite ones.

We saw parents taking their children tobogganing , skating, sliding, and of course to see all of the sculptures…. and there were picnics everywhere.

We chose the perfect day to go to the Silver Skate Fest and I’m so happy we attended.


